Jazz Pharmaceuticals collects your personal information from a variety of sources. In most cases Jazz Pharmaceuticals will obtain information directly from you when you:
- interact with Jazz Pharmaceuticals’ employees or representatives;
- participate in, or request to be considered for Jazz Pharmaceuticals-related activities, such as clinical trials, advisory boards or consultancies;
- register for a Jazz Pharmaceuticals-sponsored event (including online events); and
- contact Jazz Pharmaceuticals for medical information, safety or quality issues.
u Jazz Pharmaceuticals may also collect your personal information from alternative sources including, but not limited to publicly accessible sources (such as websites, social media and other digital platforms, publication databases, journals, societies, editorial board websites, national registries, professional directories and third party healthcare professionals databases), or third party vendors and service providers acting on Jazz Pharmaceuticals’ behalf.
Jazz Pharmaceuticals only keeps information about you that is necessary for managing its relationship with you. Depending on the relationship, Jazz Pharmaceuticals may obtain information about you including:
- General information: name, postal and/or email address, phone number, date of birth, payment-related information, government issued identification where legally required or authorised (e.g. passport, tax identification number), agreements, communications preferences, special conditions (dietary preferences/requirements, accessibility information);
- Professional information: such as a job title, educational information, professional qualifications, prescribing history, work experience, professional licenses, networks and affiliates, programs and activities participated in, publications authored or co-authored, awards, board memberships, professional conference and events, employment status, influence rankings.
- Assessment information: such as details of interactions with Jazz Pharmaceuticals, including without limitation what kind of meetings Jazz Pharmaceuticals has held, topics discussed, your knowledge of and questions you have had on Jazz Pharmaceuticals business and products, what kind of material Jazz Pharmaceuticals has displayed to you and any feedback that you have provided, as well as your opinions and routines on prescribing, routines regarding your patients and diagnosis, and similar information.
- Transparency information: information related to payments and services provided, invoices and tax related information.